Johnny King
Craniosacral Therapy and listening
John Parker King does craniosacral therapy as bodywork and does listening as heart work.
Johnny and I met in the autumn of 1966 in the Edinburgh University Savoy Opera Group when he was singing Marco and I was in the chorus of The Gondoliers. When my digs became intolerable, Johnny invited me to join him and several others in a small house at 59 Ratcliffe Terrace. Ratcliffe, as we called it, was torn down a few years ago but that place was the start of a long friendship. Johnny and I no longer sit up till 4 in the morning talking—and then greeting Mr. Love who set off about then with his horse-drawn wagon from the dairy at the front of our building.
But we do still talk—and listen to each other. Johnny listens to a lot of people and he does it well.