
Erich Wlasak

Consultant for transformation and business development projects

Erich is Managing Partner and senior expert in the Organisation Development Unit of the Aeon Consulting Group. He is based in Vienna and works internationally, often in the energy sector. Read more here. (Link is http://www.aeon-group.com/en/experts/Erich-Wlasak/)

Erich and I have worked together for seven years now on the Talent Challenge for OMV. This is a sequence of courses and projects to develop high-potential managers for OMV. Erich is one of the coaches that works with the participants throughout the Talent Challenge sequence. He provides daily coaching to the participants to keep them on track.

Erich also co-trains the Influencing course that I provide to the Talent Challenge participants. Over the years, Erich has given me lots of helpful feedback on the course design. So, thanks to ?Erich, the course gets a bit better each year.