Organisations These are some of the organisations that I work with. You can follow the link to learn more about each one. NTL Institute NTL Institute is the home of the T Group—the original intensive group learning experience. Since 1947, we have been an organisation of professionals committed to learning about ourselves and others while changing the world from an oppressive place to a just and peaceful place. Quality & Equality Quality & Equality is an OD consultancy led by Mee-Yan Cheung-Judge. Q&E works with NTL to deliver the UK OD Certificate Programme. I lead one of the T Groups that launches each year of the programme. Here is a video of past participants talking of what they learned. Ashridge Business School Ashridge provides a wide range of training, coaching, and degree programmes for both managers and consultants. My colleagues Phil Mix and Kathleen King are among the highly-skilled and deeply-committed people who provide learning opportunities at Ashridge.