Your Key to the Castle
Why register?
It’s free! And it gives you access to all the Influencing Tools on this site. Your password protects your answers to your questionnaires so that you are the only one who can see all your scores. Each time you do a Results Record or a Focus on Filters with someone, the person giving you feedback can see only the scores that relate to the two of you.
How do I register?
Enter your email and create a password.
Choose one of the codes below:
Client Code: If you are a client or participating in a course, enter the code we sent you by email.
Book Code: If you own the book, enter the last word at the bottom of page 7.
Trial Code: If you want to try the site—before you buy the book, take the course, or ask for coaching—just contact us for a code.
Registering on this website gives you access to the Influencing Tools. You promise not to share any of the Influencing Tools on this site with anyone else. Designing these materials is part of my livelihood and I appreciate your respecting that. Thank you.